Let's assume you have a monthly netcdf data of OLR from 1970 - 2017 named "olr.mon.mean.nc". And your task is to isolate wet years (1980, 1995, 2002) and dry years (1977, 1982, 1989, 2015) for only June - September (JJAS) months and perform a year mean (i.e. mean of JJAS for each year).
I Appreciate all you did, Yes of course we can do composite if we know the specific situation /as you said, knowing specific dray and wet years/.
But I my case, I want to make OLR composite by MJO phase to know the systematic OLR anomalies associated with MJO phase during JJAS seasons! Just to extract the enhanced phase for these specific seasons/ in order to pick one or two phase which will have significant impact on convection enhancement for a specific region/.