I going to make sulfurization of copper, indium thin layer. Is it ok to do it with a closed furnace by covering the glass substrate and sulfur power by beaker? 550-580 deg Celsius temperature will be used. Or I should do it at a tube furnace?
Sulfurization was successfully done at low cost and safe method. A stainless steel box was used for this purpose. 30 g of crystalline, pure sulfur powder was placed on porcelene jar which then placed inside the box. The glass substate contains coppen, indium thin film was also placed inside the box. The box was closed and sealed with aluminium tape. Box furnace was used to complete the process. Temperature was set to 580 deg C and operated for 1 and half hour. The box was left overnight inside the furnace to cool down. Next day the box was opened and the surface of the copper,indium layer was found fully covered by sulfur vapor deposition.
I strongly suggest you to replace your SS holder with graphite box. Additionally, if you perform your process in vacuumed quartz tube, most probably you will overcome all the problems.