04 February 2016 4 573 Report

As we know,  During the thermoelectric measurements at the hotter side of the material there is more variation in the energies of the charge carriers, compared to the colder side. This means that high energy levels have a higher carrier occupation per state on the hotter side, but also the hotter side has a lower occupation per state at lower energy levels. The high-energy carriers diffuse away from the hot end, and produce entropy by drifting towards the cold end of the device and at the same time low-energy carriers are drawn back towards the hot end of the device that decreases the thermoelectric (TE) emf.

TE emf and charge carriers mobility depend upon the scattering of charge carriers. If effective mass higher, Seebeck coefficient  will higher but as a result lesser mobility obtained.I am little bit confused that how to relate mobility, seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity.  

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