09 September 2017 0 6K Report

Urbanisation has been led to rapid development of global economy but also a sharp increase in urban population, which brings many problems to environmental systems. Among these problems, urban heat island (UHI) phenomenon, where urban temperatures are higher than temperatures in rural or suburban areas has been widely acknowledged as a significant urban problem, since it causes to a wide scope of detriments from energy use,water usage to thermal comfort and health conditions of citizens.

For UHI studies, there are currently so many papers to illustrate relationships between UHI intensity (air temperature, surface temperature), and many factors (Land use/land cover, economic factors, social factors, meteorological conditions, air pollutants, etc.). At the same time, there are many papers that are exploring effects of water bodies, greenery systems, cool materials, etc. on UHI mitigation.

All these have only realized studies on accordance with existing/previous data and materials. Results obtained are beneficial to educate policy makers, urban planners, architects, meteorologist etc. how past anthropogenic activities change the world, generate bad effects on UHI. However, it is also meaningful to predict future UHI effects according to existing results, which will be then an effective way to let urban policy makers to know what patterns the urban development should follow, or they can select a specific way according to their desirable results. For example, along the profile or zonal development trend (urban expansion), people can use possible arrangements of building, road, agricultural land, green land, water bodies and bare land, people can draw on an equation (paper: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1Vm5Q1M7zGskBX ) to know possible future UHI. This method is just currently a preliminary study, which just tries to project future UHI. In the future, it is necessary to explore much more methods for future UHI prodiction.

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