I am doing conductivity measurement of some samples using Impedance spectroscopy using solatron in a frequency range of 1MHz to 0.1Hz (rms 5mV). The sample is in pellet (1mm) form and kept between two SS discs which are connected to the instrument. Measurements are carrying between 100oC to 15OoC.

As I have seen in most literature, x-intercept will give resistance and can be used to find the conductivity. But my sample has data points starting above the x-intercept and with a semicircle (charge-transfer resistance) and tail which is extending to y-axis at low frequency.

I tried to fit the spectra data using circuit, but the time Rs is coming to less than 10 ohm (sometimes negative) which I cant believe as the data will give very high conductivity.

Or is it the charge transfer resistance (semicircle diameter) can be used to find out the conductivity?

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