Bullying has different forms but it really common phenomena around all the schools in my country ; to minimise it or protect people from it ; it should be form a strong action against it from the managers offices and families
I think this phenomenon is new to our society, and spread widely in our schools after the events of 2003, when the system was absent and the schools became lacking central authority and chaos prevailed in most schools school bullying, bullying, bullying, intimidation, bullying, bullying, bullying, A negative phenomenon originated in the West and began to invade our schools due to the effects of globalization and the invasion of Western media, and enough to see the global statistics on this phenomenon to find out the seriousness. In the United States - where bullying is the most frequent problem of violence in schools - studies show that eight high school students miss at least one day a week because of fear of going to school for fear of bullying. An Erling survey entitled "Bullying: Sad Symptoms and Suicidal Ideas" in 2088 Norwegian students at Level 8 revealed that students who masturbated as well as their victims had a higher score on suicidal ideation. In a study of Lind & Kerrney conducted in New Zealand, it was found that about 63% of students had experienced some form of bullying, as the Adam & Rayans study in Illinois showed that more than 50% of students Have been subjected to bullying, and in Ireland a study of Minton Minton exposed students to bullying problems of 35% of primary students and 36.4% of middle school students. These alarming statistics lead us to question about this phenomenon and analyze it in search of its causes and methods of treatment, so as not to turn into another factor that is added to the factors of school waste in third world countries. To study this phenomenon, we must first look for a definition before talking about its causes and methods of treatment. There are many definitions of bullying phenomenon multiculturalism and educational systems, and we will try to list some of the definitions that surrounded the dimensions of the phenomenon and its components. Bullying is a repetitive aggressive behavior intended to harm another person intentionally, physically or psychologically, and aims to gain power at the expense of another person. Acts that are considered to be developing may include titles, verbal or written abuse, intentional exclusion of activities, social events, physical abuse, or coercion. And the bulls can act in this way to be seen as loved or strong or may be done to draw attention. They can either bully out of jealousy or because they have been subjected to such acts before. The United States National Center for Education Statistics proposes a bipartisan division of bullying: direct bullying and indirect bullying, also known as social aggression, characterized by threats of social isolation to the victim. This isolation is achieved through a wide range of methods, including dissemination of rumors, refusal to mix With the victim, bullying the other persons who mingle with the victim, criticizing the victim's style of clothing and other prominent social signs (such as discrimination based on the victim's race, religion or disability) Dan Olweus, the founding father of research on bullying The The school bullying is defined as deliberate negative acts by one or more students to harm another student, which is repeated over time. These negative acts can be such as threats, rebuke, irritation and insults, and may be physical contact such as beating Or even without the use of words or physical exposure, such as flattering faces or inappropriate signs, with intent to deliberately isolate him from the group or refuse to respond to his desire, according to Aloys, bullying can be said only in the case of an imbalance of energy or force ); That is, if there is difficulty in the tambourine However, when there is a dispute between two students who are almost equal in terms of physical strength and psychological energy, this is not called development, as is the case of excitement and joke between friends. However, the repeated heavy joke, with bad faith and persistence despite signs of distress and objection The student who is exposed to him, falls within the circle of bullying.
Thank you dear Dr. Afraa for your wonderful question. I think it is a phenomenon that began to appear in our schools quickly and i expect that it is due to the weakness of school administrations in the application of the legislation and law to maintain the prestige of schools and education. I personally expect under strong school administrations then the spirit of leadership and abide by the deterrent laws will disappear this phenomenon and disappear from our schools.
Description School bullying or peer-to-peer education is a type of bullying that occurs in educational settings. To be considered bullying, it must meet a number of criteria, including hostile intent, repetition, harassment, provocation, and yes, in our schools
It is a 'byproduct' of over-competition on 'the modern education assembly line'.
School management, social education programs and professional instruction can get a grip on this 'anti-humanistic behaviors', but the education system itself must also be 'humanized' (knowledge x skills x personality development) and not only 'economized'.
Yes, it is also prevalent in our country. There are some questionnaires to explore/measure the occurrence/prevalence/extent of bullying from victim's or the bullies perspective.
Good question! Yes unfortunately it does exist. We really need close supervision and monitoring of such destructive behaviors. Raising public awareness, focus groups, and behavioral modification programs may help reduce such negative unwanted behaviors in our communities.
yes , Bullying is the frequent aggressive behavior that aims to harm another person physically or morally by one or several people by saying or act to control and humiliate the victim and gain illegal gains from them.
It is everywhere and has been. But now it spreads as a fashion.
Earth was born by violence (meteorite bombardment) and life was born from volcanoes. Violence everywhere. It is only through education we become peaceful.
It is true that the weakness of the school administrations in the application of the two forces is the reason for the increase in the phenomenon of bullying .. Thank Omar Al-Khashman for your wonderful contribution
Bullying has become common in schools because of the ongoing violence in the world and the visual and audio media that encourages violence and aggression in children
Yes, of course, raising awareness of the dangers of bullying and behavior modification programs can help reduce bullying among children. Thank you Hassan Izzeddin Sarsak for your valuable contribution
يمكن القول بشكل عام مع اقرارنا بوجود الاستثناء بان التنمر ظاهرة اخذة بالانتشار على مستوى الطلبة في المدارس ، بشكل خاص، وعلى مستوى الشباب بشكل عام، متاثرين في ذلك بالكثير من السلوكيات التي بدات تنتشر في المجتمع ولاسيما الذي انتقل من الانغلاق الى الانفتاح بشكل مفاجيء على نحو ادى الى فقدان الكثير لبوصلة التصرف السليم .
نعم موجودة ولكن بنسب وتعود لعدة اسباب دعت الظهور مثل هكذا ظاهرة الإعلام،عدم الاحساس بالمسؤولية، المشاكل الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والسياسية فضلا عن قلة الوعي
Bullying is particularly prevalent in the school environment, and bullying begins with the physical or psychological violence of a child or group of children against other children (who may be physically weaker) in order to control them and impose authority on them.