How the stock of C and N in the nodules can affect the bioavailability of C and N in the microbial biomass. In that case, what will be the role played by the N2 symbiosis fixing?
The N content of nodules is high owing to biologically fixed nitrogen. When the nodules senesce they get incorporated in soil and decompose rapidly. Such low C:N ratio material as nodule tissue would result in high proliferation of bacteria in soil. The resultant microbial biomass will in turn be also mineralized rapidly resulting in a rapid build up of soil available nitrogen.
Thanx Mr. Desiraju Rao. So high N and C nodule content may be decrease the C/N ratio for microbial biomass ? Did you have any paper which entitled this case ?
Nodule give N rich materials as substrates for MB by there own senescence and also by senescence of organs of host plants. in turn, N rich MB give inorganic N sometimes available to other plant roots, but which also can be lost in environment, See Ibrahim et al, 2013,2014