من خلال التطوير في أنماط التعليم، وعدم الاعتماد علي التلقين والحفظ، وإنما الاعتماد علي أساليب التعاليم المستحدثة مثل التعليم التعاوني والمعكوس والالكتروني
To help them first love what they learn and provide them with the proper teaching and learning materials/resources. Adding incentives is also a plus, such as rewarding systems.
Students look to teachers for approval and positive reinforcement, and are more likely to be enthusiastic about learning if they feel their work is recognized and valued. You should encourage open communication and free thinking with your students to make them feel important.
Teachers should encourage students to ask questions and compliment those who ask questions. There should be fun group activities included during the class period so that the period is not just filled with strict didactic format.
Dear Hani Omid. The student must participate in the learning process, not only as a passive listener, but also as a participant in this action. Training should occur in the mode of communication (this does not apply to exact disciplines that you just need to learn), the teacher must find those threads that you control should introduce the student to the subject of study on material that is understandable to the student.
playing football is definitely hard job... we like to play coz we enjoy it... when we play for please you never think of return... when we read a novel, we never think of exam... our education system need to be flexible and redesign to capture the potentials in students, not to impose potentials of books in students