With a lot of motivation, effort, discipline and tolerance to Frustration, to which must be added a deep knowledge of Research and Experimental Methodology and Statistics ... obviously from the hand of a good Researcher who will serve as a guide. , teacher and tutor and, better still, within a Laboratory or Research Group (and not as a "sniper"); never forgetting the words of the Nobel Prize winner Mr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal: "good research is the result of 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration and sweat ... in fact, I usually stay from 08.00 in the morning at 08.00 at night, or more, in the laboratory working so that, if inspiration comes to me, I will find myself there working ".
Hi Kanyunyuzi, warm greetings from Brunei. To me, a good researcher is one who maintain integrity of the research at all times, right from the preparation, conduct and dissemination of research findings.
Conducting research professionally is achieved by respecting the participants/data, balancing the benefits and risks of the study, and practicing ethical justice. Most importantly, research is not only about the science, but ethical aspects of the research.
With a lot of motivation, effort, discipline and tolerance to Frustration, to which must be added a deep knowledge of Research and Experimental Methodology and Statistics ... obviously from the hand of a good Researcher who will serve as a guide. , teacher and tutor and, better still, within a Laboratory or Research Group (and not as a "sniper"); never forgetting the words of the Nobel Prize winner Mr. Santiago Ramón y Cajal: "good research is the result of 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration and sweat ... in fact, I usually stay from 08.00 in the morning at 08.00 at night, or more, in the laboratory working so that, if inspiration comes to me, I will find myself there working ".
And in addition to what the others have mentioned, I would add, reading widely. Reading even the negative aspects/side to your broad research topic. Reading the views of others as it relates to your topic helps you to think critically/objectively.
To be a good researcher first requires the intention to be involved in research and directly thereafter to see a dedicated interest to do the best research likely. From there we must collect the knowledge needed to credit the current ideas already existent in the research world.
There is no good description of a good researcher. Once you start with the guidance of your Supervisors, you may surprise yourself. I advice that you put the fear away and hit the road. You will never know that you are a good researcher until you complete one.
To be a good researcher first requires the intention to be involved in research and immediately thereafter to show a dedicated interest to do the best research possible. From there we must accumulate the knowledge needed to advance the current ideas already existent in the research world