please help if you know the equation for calculating the delay. let assume that we have patient with wearable sensor that used to send the data to the patient phone. How can we calculate the transmission delay from the sensor to the mobile?
Fog helps to reduce the end-to-end latency by creating a local solution for storing and decision making. If you are using sensor devices having contiki or other WSN based OS, having the support for application layer protocols like COAP or MQTT. Inbuilt tools are available in the system to calculate RTT or you can add a plugin for the same.
Thank you all for help. I'm looking for a way to evaluate my proposal fog computing architecture in term of latency minimization ( I have found one paper that modeling the data flow in the network in four phases:
Data Generation, BSN Transmission, Data Aggregation, and WiFi Transmission
So :
fog transmission time = Data Generation + BSN transmission.
while using the cloud, the transmission time = Data Generation+ BSN tranissmission +Data Aggregation +Wifi transmission.
I need to calculate these four phases based on the given equations in this paper. for example to calculate BSN transmission = [ Lp/rm*1/(prm)^2+Lm/rm*(prm) ]. where the input of this equation as follow:
Lp : indicate the length of a polling message.
rm : represent the data rate in BSN.
Lm : denote the length of a BSN data packet.
prm: denote the packet delivery ratio of data transmission between all the motes and the aggregator in both directions.
I'm wondering how I can find these values (to be used as input to calculate the equation).
Please help if you know how! or you may guide me to another simple way to evaluate the latency in fog environment.