It depends what you need or what are you looking for. For instance you can look what Say et al says about problems faced with maternal mortality data between countries. (doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(14)70227-X)
Another standard to look will be ICPC-II that is into the International Family of Clasifications from WHO, that is used to see the reasons for encounter for example.
Galo is right. One of the challenges is to get the nomenclature translation right. Something the HIE should be able to do quite nicely - once you have completed the translation table for your nomenclature vs. the one used by the other country.
But the other big thing is getting the transport definition right. Connecting up to the US will likely mean that your HIE must understand HL7, because that is how the information payloads are structured. Also, HL7 are built on the functional groupings (i.e.; a patient admission) that reflect how care delivery is approached in the US. There may not be a 1:1 alignment with the concepts of other countries. So, you may face some translations here as well.
I should acknowledge that the US is presently debating transport standards that utilize the internet in a more standard fashion. I am rather convinced that HL7 will still play a significant role, given its predominance in the inpatient sector
The key to producing shareable data is to agree the set of concepts to be represented. Once that is done SNOMED CT's structure of preferred terms and synonyms is capable of producing a language independent representation of those concepts. However, I'm not aware of any domain in which the existing SNOMED CT content is capable of accurately representing all of the necessary and sufficient concepts required in that domain so modification of content will be required. This modification will likely be a combination of new term creation, reassignment of preferred term and synonym status and correction of hierarchical errors.
Sharing of comprehensive health data is a task beyond the scope of ICD-10.
There are two aspects that must be accounted for - the actual transmission of data and the actual meaning of the data. Standardization of terminology and semantic definitions using a coding set solves the language problem. However, there is a HUGE problem in data transmission mechanisms - interoperability is going to be key. The way that data is structured/modeled, and the feed by which it moves around from system to system should be accounted for.