In the course of trying to reduce the THD of PMSG wind turbine system using LC filters at the grid, it seriously affects all other parameter responses e.g Te, Wm, Pm, etc and also seriously reduces the grid voltage.
in case you have access to all details of the power conversion, try increasing the carrier frequency in the control algorithm of the power converter.
As a consequence of the increased switching frequency, the LC-components of the filter get smaller which in turn will reduce their influence to the overall system.
A similar result can be achieved by changing the power electronic scheme from 2-level converters to three-level setup or - if desired - even higher number of levels.
This all implies, your results are gathered from a simulation - changing the real windmill will be quite some effort....
Already im using three level inverter and switching frequency of 100KHZ but my observation is that if i remove the DC/DC boost converter, there is no much effect on the other parameters at steady state but the inverter voltage is seriously reduced from about 900V to 183V but good THD reducttion is achieved.
Dear Mr.Sanusi, output THD in the power systems sometimes is reduced with the control modulation of the output stage, can be try different modulation technics to reduce the output distortions.