As suggested by Meghna, try using internal coordinates, which involve setting the IFZMAT and FVALUE flags. Below is an example of constraining the carbon-carbon bond to 1.617 A in ethane. Hope this helps.
ifreez(1)=1,2 will freeze the 1st and 2nd coordinate (i.e. x and y coordinate) of the first atom if the coordinate system is Cartesian. However, if you are using internal coordinates then the same command will freeze the 1st and 2nd degrees of freedom of the molecule. Using internal coordinates is more useful if you want to constraint a few structural parameters such as bond lengths, or angles or dihedral angles.
As suggested by Meghna, try using internal coordinates, which involve setting the IFZMAT and FVALUE flags. Below is an example of constraining the carbon-carbon bond to 1.617 A in ethane. Hope this helps.