My goal is to calculate activation energy of proton dissociation. Therefore; I planned to calculate energy of reactant complex and transition structure, and then subtract reactant energy from transition structure energy.

For the first step, I'm trying to optimize transition structure in the proton dissociation reaction.

Reactant complex is molecule + water.

But before going that calculation, I want to know how to optimize transition structure first, so I start with simple example in the website :

I made my input file according to instructions in above site.

This is what I wrote for my input file

#T RHF/6-31G(d) Opt=(QST2,AddRedundant)

SiH2+H2>SiH4 Reactants

0 1


X 1 1.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0 3 180.0

H 1 R 2 A1 3 90.0

H 1 R 5 A2 2 180.0

R 2.0

A1 80.0

A2 22.0

SiH2+H2>SiH4 Products

0 1


X 1 1.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0 3 180.0

H 1 R 2 A1 3 90.0

H 1 R 5 A2 2 180.0

R 1.48

A1 125.2

A2 109.5

4 5

But it causes error when I start calculation

Error message is like this :


#T RHF/6-31G(d) Opt=(QST2,AddRedundant)



SiH2+H2>SiH4 Reactants


Symbolic Z-matrix:

Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1


X 1 1.

H 1 1.48 2 55.

H 1 1.48 2 55. 3 180. 0

H 1 R 2 A1 3 90. 0

H 1 R 5 A2 2 180. 0


R 2.

A1 80.

A2 22.

The following ModRedundant input section has been read:

Invalid number of scan points.

SiH2+H2>SiH4 Products


However; when I calculate after removing AddRedundant and last line '4 5'. It works, though result is not like transition structure.

#T RHF/6-31G(d) Opt=(QST2)

SiH2+H2>SiH4 Reactants

0 1


X 1 1.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0 3 180.0

H 1 R 2 A1 3 90.0

H 1 R 5 A2 2 180.0

R 2.0

A1 80.0

A2 22.0

SiH2+H2>SiH4 Products

0 1


X 1 1.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0

H 1 1.48 2 55.0 3 180.0

H 1 R 2 A1 3 90.0

H 1 R 5 A2 2 180.0

R 1.48

A1 125.2

A2 109.5

To recap, My question is how to use qst to get transition state. I guess I have some problem in AddRedundant option, but I don't know what it is and how to use it

and,, If anyone know other method to calculate activation energy of proton dissociation, please let me know.


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