I'm a little new to the programming world. So, it may sound weird how I will ask my question and ask for your support in this sense. I'm trying to understand how I can operate on NetCDF files in Python and/or Rstudio. How can I operate on NetCDF files just like one normally does on CSV/text files on Python or other coding platforms? I'd be so glad if you could suggest sources for me to learn how to achieve this issue. Plus, I'd be so glad if you could share some libraries and packages already established for this purpose. Below is the Rstudio code I wrote for quantile mapping of precipitation data contained in the CSV file. In fact, what I'm exactly looking for is a way to apply this sort of operation on NetCDF files directly.
"setwd('C:/Users/Asus/Documents/ArcGIS/ArcGIS - Copy/evaporation/Downscaling Files') getwd() ls() rm(list=ls()) install.packages(c("qmap", "zoo", "latticeExtra")) library(qmap) library(zoo) library(latticeExtra) obsprecip