I made a model of a pv cell and i want to intersect all MPP by one line, but I can't because the points aren't on the same line. I think there is a problem with my model, any help will be appreciated.
- First ensure it that your model is temperature independent and you are considering constant model of shunt and series resistance. If is it still did not interest, then for sure check your model.
Firstly, your PV model is working fine as it gives perfect result when you plot Power-Voltage curve. Actually if you observe the Power-Voltage curve, you see that the Vmax at MPP could also be a range instead of any single value. However, it narrow down as you increases irradiation. Irrespective, in Power-Current curve that you are showing, this would be reversal. Initially Imax would be very unique but by the increase in irradiation, a range of Imax current corresponding to the MPP is observed. Your system will follow the line but for that you need to find out very precise Vmax for calculation in your MPP model. I believe 17.2 is not a precise value for Vmax. Because at 17.36, I am getting much better result.
I tried 17.36 but the problem is still there because the line pass before mpp in a curve and after mpp in the other curve , i noticed that at 17.2 the line missed the points gradually when increasing irradiation . I think that the higher irradiation curve should reach mpp faster and decrease again to enable the line to catch the point, but i don't know what is the factor that control this shape .
Your model is producing perfect P-V curve for different irradiation. However, your P-I curves are fine. i think you need to check your line tracking algorithm. in P-I curve the line depends over the value of voltage Vmax. And I informed you that if you look into P-V curve you will observe that there is a range of Vmax. So, this slight fluctuation can occurs.
this line isn't related to Vmax it's just a line have slope 17.2 to intersect so if i removed this line and looked at points with the naked eye i would see the deviation of points .so there is error in the initialization i can't discover