Presently available literatures, say that there are 3 indices as follows :

AVI - Advanced Vegetation Index - {(B4+1)(256-B3)(B4-B3)}^(1/3)

S I - Shadow Index - {(256-B2)(256-B3)}^(1/2)

B I - Bare soil index - {B4+B2-B3} / {B4+B2-B3}

but none of them are saying about how these three indices are integrated to get the forest canopy density map. Can anyone help me with this ??? 

Also, In one of the literature it is mentioned that , 

Forest Canopy Density = {sqrt (VD+SSI+1)}-1

but how to determine SSI & VD ????

ie., Scaled shadow index and Vegetation Density ????

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