I have to do impedance spectroscopy on 15 A123 26650 LPF cells.It has to be done at 3 levels.

 1. For all 15 individual cells (for which I used a multiplexer),

 2. Divide 15 cells into 5 groups of 3 cells each,connect those 3 cells within a group in series and then perform impedance spectroscopy for each 3 cells group individually,

 3.Finnaly connect all 15 cells in series as a whole and do impedance spectroscopy.

     Impedance spectroscopy will be done in galvanostatic mode with 100mA current.So,I am looking for some switching mechanism with very less resistance to switch between all the above 3 modes of connections with ease.Mechanical relays ,cables and switches offer high resistance and also may not work effectively with mA  current range.

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