I hope you will find the answer of your question by reading the small article entitled "Understanding Wireless Range Calculations" of Chris Downey. Here is the link of that article:
IT depends on your physical layer model you are using in castalia. If you are using one of the given example scenarios then see which propagation model they use and as said before go through this article http://electronicdesign.com/communications/understanding-wireless-range-calculations
i need this valus (range) to compare it wth the distance between two node and define neighbor. It is possible de calculate range transmission using PLDO equation?
you can take each node position and calculate the distance formula (you can get it online) by putting the coordinates for each node and calculate the distance
the RSSI value can be obtained from the application module using "from network layer" function, the function pass by the value and you can receive it inside this function.
Thanks for the link, it's actually useful and concise, I was actually interested in the 'Wifi Range' formula. However I couldn't get any reference for it in the internet so far. could you help in this matter? did you find any other source using such formula?