After the experiments there will be 100-150L of used substrate containing different concentrations from some herbicides (Terbuthylazine, Metolachlor, Bentazone). Is it possible to inspissate the solvent?
Dear Katharina, advanced oxidation processes have been reported as very effective for pesticide removal from wáter and wastewater. The main advantage of these processes is that are able to complete mineralization of pesticide and complete removal, in most of the cases, of toxicity. Perhaps, you may find AOPs as a proper possibility for treating your wastewater. Attached, please find a copy of a review paper we have published about the removal of pesticides using AOPs, hope you may find it useful. Best,
This is depend on the solvent but generally, you can add the double quantity of sodium hydroxide solution (1N) on the pesticides solution and leave such mix for 72 hr.
Thank you all very much for your informative replies. The main problem I have is to reduce the amount of the solution. It is not the first instance for me to remove the pesticides.