Please tell me, is it necessary to laid 1000m*5m (5000m2) transect to know the population status of a particular plant species to categorize under IUCN category ?Please help.
let me to split your questions into two different ones.
1. Any expert who is familiar with IUCN assessment criteria ( can perform assessment for a particular species. However, this will be only your personal assessment and it will not be considered or used by IUCN "by default".
2. In order to get the species listed by IUCN under particular category, you have to be an IUCN expert (I mean you have to get involved as an expert into one of IUCN's working groups). As soon as you are an IUCN expert in your plant group, you will have to perform a "real" assessement under a supervision of IUCN personnel and independent experts (peer review).
See the red list of threatened species and check the categories adopted, as well as the list of species, then contact the IUNC at [email protected] to see how to collaborate
Following the guidance of the IUCN it is relatively easy to determine a threat status. The key is to establish the categories: extent of presence and area of occupation. Technically you should consider all subpopulations of the species. No area is defined a priori.
Es importante ser parte de los Grupos de expertos científicos de la IUCN, por estar mejor preparados y capacitados, sin embargo se puede hacer un aporte desde su experiencia evaluando la distribución de la especie amenazada, tomando en cuenta sus poblaciones. El numero de individuos de cada población y el estado de conservación, con estos datos se puede evaluar el estado de amenaza.