17 September 2014 4 2K Report

Water is a common resource. But water resources are largely related to land and land owners. Institutional structures around water are also focus on the land owners in the command areas like the water users' associations. The ground water is usually treated as private resource by the well owners and the bore well owners, while the aquifer is a common resource.

Though the policies tend to recognize the 'common' nature of the water resource, the programmes tend to focus on the farmers who use the resource. The environmental benefit of the watershed conservation usually accrue to the land owners down stream.

The other stakeholders usually have token inclusion like the use of water bodies for domestic use and for drinking water for livestock.

through this discussion, I am trying to seek information on

* Various initiatives across the world on how poorer and landless communities can have access to water resources?

* How governance institutions can help in more equitable distribution of water?

* Various mechanisms such as water rights, water allocation, alternate benefits, etc that can help in more equitable distribution of water?

The suggestions would help in evolving village level rules and regulations for water use and strengthening water governance in the water shed projects being implemented across various locations in India.

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