09 September 2017 0 8K Report

I prefer short research titles for publications, for example, my publications include tiles: “Abductive case based reasoning” published in International J of Intelligent Systems. “Demand-driven web services”, published in a book. 

However, I do not know how to design a paper title today for my latest paper. It relates privacy in the age of big data. 

I hope to use "big data driven privacy and security" (I'll use it to publish a paper or book), but was rejected by my friend. Then we discussed how to design a research title. Finally,  we concur that the research title should 1. Integrate abstract with concrete, 2. Integrate fuzzy with exact, 3. Integrate big and small. “big data driven privacy and security” can be a book title rather than a journal paper, because it is against items 1 and 3.

Items 1, 2, 3 are three principles. However, it is still an art. I do not know a lot. Can you tell me your art?

Prof. Dr. Zhaohao Sun


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