Powdered solids like soil are characterized by a term called bulk density to distinguish from the true density of the solid itself. One should know the voidage (or void fraction or porosity) of the powdered material in its configutation. If the material is not water soluble one can measure this using a graduated beaker by measuring the volume the specimen occupies (including the voids) and the volume of water that can fill the voids.
Bulk density= True solid density (1-void fraction)
Density of a powder without pores or with an open porosity you can determine by Archimedes method (true density of powder particles):
True density of a powder material with a closed porosity is a little more difficult to determine. You must determine the porosity in the powder particles by means of image analysis on cross sections and then correct the density value according to Archimedes.
The density of any powder can be calculate by measuring the weight of powder for example 1g then put this powder in injector can know the volume for it finally divided the weight to volume in this way can calculate