In organic solar cell processing both Chloroform and Chlorobezene can be used to dissolve polymers (30,000 - 50,000 Mw for the polymer "PM6" for example) and small molecules (i.e. "Y6" or "ITIC"). As I'm not a chemist by trade my understanding of dissolving polymers with organic solvents is primarily based on "like for like".

Basically my question is how can CF and CB both dissolve these complex (aromatic) polymers despite their widely different structures (and therefore I'd assume different intramolecular forces) and further to this would this affect the crystallisation of the dissolved materials outside of different evaporation rates?

This is an important question to me because in all of literature regarding PM6:Y6 OPV systems CF is practically the only solvent used.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your time.

Kind regard,

Matthew Smith

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