How are living organisms important for improving soil fertility and role of microorganisms in formation of soil organic matter in climate resilient agriculture?
Soil compositions can influence climate, as sandy regions of the planet often have low microbial counts and produce less vegetation. This results in high temperatures due to increased solar absorption. In contrast, areas with high microbial counts typically boast a dense vegetation canopy, which reduces temperatures by minimizing solar absorption. These imbalances in temperature components contribute to changes in climate.
Improper maintenance of microbial counts, often caused by farming practices, can lead to infertile soil, resulting in dry dust bowls. Therefore, soil conservation is a significant responsibility for humans to uphold a balanced environment capable of supporting life.
Living organisms, including plants, microbes, insects, and earthworms, play crucial roles in improving soil fertility and promoting climate-resilient agriculture. Here's how they contribute, with a focus on the role of microorganisms in the formation of soil organic matter:
1. Nutrient Cycling: Living organisms participate in nutrient cycling processes, whereby organic matter is decomposed, nutrients are released, and nutrient-rich residues are recycled back into the soil. Microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, are primary drivers of decomposition, breaking down complex organic compounds into simpler forms that can be readily taken up by plants. This nutrient cycling process enhances soil fertility by replenishing essential nutrients necessary for plant growth and productivity.
2. Soil Structure and Aggregation: Soil organisms, particularly earthworms and soil-dwelling insects, contribute to soil structure and aggregation. Earthworms ingest organic matter and soil particles, mixing them together in their digestive systems before excreting nutrient-rich casts on the soil surface. These casts improve soil structure, porosity, and water infiltration, creating a conducive environment for plant root growth and nutrient uptake.
3. Formation of Soil Organic Matter: Microorganisms play a central role in the formation of soil organic matter (SOM), which is a key component of soil fertility and resilience. Through the decomposition of plant residues and other organic materials, microorganisms transform complex organic compounds into stable organic matter fractions that persist in the soil over time. This process, known as humification, results in the accumulation of SOM, which improves soil structure, water retention, nutrient cycling, and overall soil fertility.
4. Nutrient Fixation and Transformation: Certain microorganisms, such as nitrogen-fixing bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, contribute to nutrient fixation and transformation processes in the soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into plant-available forms, enhancing nitrogen availability for crop growth. Mycorrhizal fungi form symbiotic associations with plant roots, extending their nutrient-absorbing capacity and facilitating the uptake of nutrients, particularly phosphorus, from the soil.
5. Disease Suppression and Pest Control: Soil organisms, including beneficial microbes and predatory insects, contribute to disease suppression and pest control in agroecosystems. Beneficial microorganisms, such as certain species of bacteria and fungi, produce antibiotics and other compounds that inhibit the growth of plant pathogens, reducing the incidence of diseases. Predatory insects, such as predatory mites and nematodes, feed on pest species, helping to regulate pest populations and minimize crop damage.
In climate-resilient agriculture, harnessing the power of living organisms, particularly microorganisms, is essential for building and maintaining soil fertility, enhancing nutrient cycling, and promoting ecosystem resilience in the face of climate variability and change. By integrating soil management practices that support diverse and active soil microbial communities, farmers can enhance soil health, improve crop productivity, and sustainably manage agroecosystems for future generations.