We have to take students interest into consideration and this is to ensure that they engage in our lessons effectively. My research had discovered that students' preference is the digital tools and lecturers need to keep this in mind as to use digital tools as supplementary teaching aids. Students prefer to make meaning through multimodality where visual, spatial, gestures, audio and literacy are integrated in the digital technology. When i-Pads, smart phones, Facebook, whatsapp and etc are used in the classroom, research findings show that students are motivated to learn and learning outcomes are achieved in most cases. However, challenges have to be addressed no doubt. We need to address students' learning interest in order to stay relevant as educators in today's digital age.
By teaching in classical fashion, students need to learn at most basic knowledge in the university. This is due to the fact that knowledge of the past is seeded through many minds and time and becomes thus the basement for classical understanding.
I agree with Mr Syzdykov concept of trying to teach the basics and necessary understanding the traditional way . Eg: Solving equations and on paper, with least usage of calculator . One clear advantage is that brain gives a faster response and not pushing keys !!!
Coming to undergrad it is same idea , they should develop and apply their way of approach for learning and solving. The role of a teacher is to direct and develop that skill which is innate to all of us.
Independence leads to free thinking and alternate solutions , critical thinking needs ground work and undergrad studies is not too late to start .
Current generation are ultra advanced know many things. I say motivating students is an art and important factor while teaching let it be any type of students (from kindergarten to PG). Krishnan mentioned the exact points that a teacher should possess. I studied at UCD too giving their strategies link for your information.
Teaching Strategies: Motivating Students
19 Things I’ve Learned about Teaching Undergraduates (so far)
Thank you for inviting me to participate in the forum of discussion and argument about the question
How are effective strategies for teaching undergraduate students' of Gen Z?
Taking the history we mentioned in his brief introduction and guide to participation; that most of the Speakers are the X and Students Grade Generation Z. I consider it advisable to make some preliminary clarifications:
People who belong to Generation X are those born between the years 1960-1980, therefore the current date are about 36 to 56 years. Therefore, most teachers or lecturers if they are part of Generation X have mentioned age.
If graders are of Generation Z, then they have at this time 16 years because it has qualified people born from 2000 onwards as Generation Z, which I think unlikely
In my country Mexico and in most other countries, graduates of degree (graduate studies) have at least 22 years (in races 4 years) or 24 years (in racing 6 years). If students are master's degree (MSc 2-3 years) or PhD after 2-3 more years of expertise) will have to fulfill the degree at least 24 years in masters and 26 doctoral (if that they did not interrupt their studies for abandonment or grade repetition). All of them to date are part of Generation Y "Millenialls" because most were born between 1980 and 2000. Therefore, I dare to think that we are talking about such students (Generation Y "Millenialls", and not the generation Z)
Generation Z also called "Post Millennials" currently have 16 years have been constant and if students will be enrolled to date preparatory studies (duration of 3 years before the university to apply for undergraduate careers). School in Mexico is equivalent to US High Scool.
After the clarification step to comments regarding Teaching
Teachers and lecturers of Generation X were born in the era of "technological Boom" or the predominance of communications technology and the early years of the Internet. They grew and developed in this environment, and therefore learned and became experts in their use. Use these tools in all its activities, from recreational, social interaction, labor and professional updating.
Students in higher education and candidates a degree are likely Generation Y. They were born and developed in the period of maturity of communications technology, the mass media and the Internet. They are not only qualified but experienced users, and many of them have already developed this technology as "hobbies" or as part of a professional job.
Students of Generation Y, are technology experts (advantage) are refractory to the authority (may be disadvantaged in some media), quickly adapt to changes in the environment (advantage), and have less social consciousness and group their generation above, the X (disadvantage). Also, they choose professions more "Social Status" and economic gain, and less for Vocations (disadvantage in an axiological perspective). They also get bored classroom classes, conferences and lectures.
For all the above described and in an effort to find a solution to the school problem, besides taking into account Advantages of Generation Y (Students) and Advantages of X (Teachers) Generation, I make the following proposal:
Teachers to use creatively telecommunications, mass media and the Internet as tools to make it more attractive interaction with students about a subject or subject.
Change teaching techniques and methods of teaching, teaching techniques and methods of promoting learning.
The teacher rather than a speaker, is a counselor and promoter of learning, besides coordinator working groups,
Promote in students the need to organize work teams and project teams involving finding information and documentary research to solving practical and theoretical problems related subjects or subjects.
The teacher removed before the group the "air of self-sufficiency and Smarty" and is a promoter of horizontal and dialogic communication with their students. Get off the chair and conference and reach not only by word, but by example to consciousness and emotions of the student.
Promote participatory learning in students, in order to eventually develop skills for construction and meaning of them in real, social and professional life; and not only as memory or memory "information only".
Dr. Jose Luis Garcia Vigil
Estimado Asmuni Asmuni
Gracias por invitarme a participar en el foro de discusión y argumentación a propósito de la pregunta
How are effective teaching strategies for undergraduate students' of Gen Z?
Tomando los antecedentes que nos menciona en su breve introducción y que orientan a la participación; de que la mayoría de los Conferenciantes son de la Generación X y los Estudiantes de grado de la Generación Z, considero conveniente hacer algunas precisiones preliminares:
Las personas que pertenecen a la Generación X, son los nacidos entre los años 1960 a 1980, por tanto, en la fecha actual tienen alrededor de 36 a 56 años. Por ello, la mayoría de los profesores o conferenciantes si forman parte de la Generación X, tienen la edad mencionada.
Si los alumnos de grado son de la Generación Z, entonces tendrían en este momento 16 años, pues se ha calificado a las personas nacidas del año 2000 en adelante como la Generación Z., lo que creo poco probable
En mi país México y en la mayoría de otros países del mundo, los egresados de licenciatura (estudios universitarios superiores) tienen al menos 22 años (en carreras de 4 años) o 24 años (en carreras de 6 años). Si los estudiantes de grado son de maestría (2-3 años de maestría) o de doctorado 2-3 años más después de la maestría), tendrán al cumplir el grado por lo menos 24 años en maestría y 26 en doctorado (si es que no interrumpieron sus estudios por abandono o repetición de año escolar). Todos ellos a la fecha, forman parte de la Generación Y "Millenialls" pues nacieron la mayoría entre 1980 y 2000. Por tanto, me atrevo a pensar que estamos hablando de este tipo de estudiantes (Generación Y "Millenialls", y no de la Generación Z)
La Generación Z también llamados "Post Millenials" tienen actualmente 16 años, y si han sido alumnos constantes, estarán cursando a la fecha estudios de preparatoria (duración de 3 años antes de la Universidad, para optar a carreras de licenciatura). La preparatoria en México es equivalente al High Scool de Estados Unidos.
Después de las aclaraciones, paso a los comentarios respecto de la Enseñanza
Los profesores y conferenciantes de la Generación X, ya nacieron en la época del "Boom tecnológico" o del predominio de la tecnología de comunicaciones y los primeros años de Internet. Crecieron y se desarrollaron en este ambiente, y por tanto aprendieron y se tornaron expertos en su uso. Utilizan estas herramientas en todas sus actividades, desde las recreativas, de interacción social, laborales y de actualización profesional.
Los alumnos de estudios superiores y candidatos a obtener un grado académico son muy probablemente de la Generación Y. Nacieron y se desarrollaron en el período de madurez de la tecnología de las comunicaciones, los mass-media e Internet. No sólo son usuarios calificados sino expertos, y muchos de ellos, ya han desarrollado este tipo de tecnología como "hobbies" o como parte de un trabajo profesional.
Los alumnos de la Generación Y, son expertos tecnológicos (ventaja) son refractarios a la autoridad (pudiera ser desventaja en algunos medios), se adaptan rápidamente a los cambios del ambiente (ventaja), y tienen menos consciencia social y de grupo que su generación anterior, la X (desventaja). Asimismo, elijen profesiones más por "Estatus Social" y ganancia económica, y menos por Vocación (desventaja en una perspectiva axiológica). También les aburren las clases de aula, las conferencias y las cátedras.
Por todo lo antes descrito y en el afán de buscar una solución al problema escolar, además de tomar en cuenta Ventajas de la Generación Y (Alumnos) y Ventajas de la Generación X (Profesores), hago la siguiente propuesta:
Que los profesores utilicen en forma creativa las telecomunicaciones, los mass-media e Internet como herramientas para hacer más atractiva la interacción con los alumnos, a propósito de una materia o asignatura.
Cambiar de las técnicas didácticas y métodos de Enseñanza, a las técnicas didácticas y métodos de Promoción del Aprendizaje.
Que el maestro más que un orador, sea un orientador y promotor del aprendizaje, amén de coordinador de grupos de trabajo,
Promover en los alumnos la necesidad de organizarse en equipos de trabajo y equipos de proyectos, que impliquen búsqueda de información e investigación documental, para la solución de problemas prácticos y teóricos relacionados con las materias o asignaturas.
Que el profesor elimine ante el grupo el "aire de autosuficiencia y sabelotodo" y sea un promotor de la comunicación horizontal y dialógica con sus alumnos. Bajarse de la cátedra y conferencia y llegar no sólo con la palabra, sino con el ejemplo a la consciencia y emociones del alumno.
Promover el aprendizaje participativo en los alumnos, a fin de llegar a desarrollar conocimientos por construcción y significado de los mismos en la vida real, social y profesional; y no sólo como recuerdo o memoria "únicamente de información".
We need to understand that Generation Z will be engaged and at the same time bored with technology. I frequently speak with teachers who are wondering why their students are disengaged; after all they have let them use the computers as part of their lesson.
Technology no longer has the buzz that it used to have. Several years ago if you sat a student in front of a computer you would get instant engagement. This is no longer the case.
Technology is just tool not tool. If your use of technology is not underpinned by sound educational techniques then it will fall short.
In addition to that, Generation Z will learn more effectively if they are left to solve problems and find solutions. All of their gaming experience has centred around solving problems so that they can progress to a greater problem. When a student sees the progress they are making they become addicted to success. They will continue to work at a level of a game for a long time because they realise that each time they fail they have just learnt one more strategy and at least know what won’t work.
This is such a powerful principle when applied in the classroom! Especially amongst our younger students. Unfortunately by the time we get them in high school they have already learnt that they will be given the solution if they just wait long enough.
Science and Truth will bridge all gaps and span the generations. We need not cater to anything but facts and current knowledge. A good educator 1) cares abut their assigned subject 2) Prepares for the lectures 3) is interested in the success and welfare of their students and 4) has a fund of knowledge and experience sufficient to use to technology and disseminate the facts, as we know them today (not yesterday). Science and our knowledge is dynamic and so should be our approach to education as should should be the pay for teaching, namely fair, equitable and appropriate.
As a student, I always expected teachers will at least do following.
1. Guide should be more of practical driven.
2. Guide should be updated with latest trends and should be able to connect to students with teaching approach using common factors between guide n students (like latest trends, things which students get attracted but it is useful.)
3. Guide should be have application driven approach towards any teachings.