12 August 2022 0 3K Report

Dear Researchgate community,

In the definition of committed equivalent dose, we take the amount of Bq in an organ (inhaled/ingested etc.) multiply it with a coefficient, which then gives us the committed equivalent dose over a time period of 50 years for adults (70 years for children).

How would one calculate the committed equivalent dose if the ingestion is happening once a year for a duration of 50 years? Logically, the coefficient should become smaller and smaller for every year as we grow older since we are getting closer to our end.

For example, your 40 year old friend is eating deer meat once a year, containing 100 Bq of 137Cs per serving. Your friend does this for 50 years until 90 years of age. What would the committed effective dose be?

Thank you for your time

Kind regards

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