Hi Julia, we will focus on prenatal screening in the Netherlands, which is now the combined test and NIPT. Does this answer your question? What is your project about?
I would like to hear more about your projects Dalisa and Julia. I have seen that the patients have really hard time deciding after the high risk results of prenatal screening tests. NIPT seems very promising accept for its high cost. other than that I would suggest using biochemical marker predominant tests such as a quad test to prevent ultrasound oriented miscalculations due to operator lack of experience. This can be a serious problem affecting the combined test results, thus misleading the decision making process.
Thank you for the comment Kazim. I am interested in what kind of prenatal screening test are available in Turkey? My project focus is on the decision whether to screen or not. Not necessarily on whether to have prenatal diagnostics after a high risk result. I will keep you posted when I publish my paper.