it is knowing that technology is a set of production, organization and analysis techniques, so why do we dismantle the transfer into technology transfer and organizational transfer?
I would like to suggest your question is largely one of ontology i.e. the stand point someone or a particular school of thought takes to the definition of technology.
In the early years of last century it was usual that 'technology' referred more to the physical/material manifestation of a way of doing things e.g. machinery or 'hardware'. It was only mid-century that 'software' and 'wetware' i.e. the organisational and managerial infrastructure that enabled the use of that hardware was more frequently identified as a 'technology' too.
Good references are of course Latour and Foucault. Every object we use has a 'technological' history and exerts a certain 'governmentality'. Mobile telephony is a prime example of now but the introduction of steam engines or computers is equally fascinating in demonstrating how a new hardware invention can change commercial and social organisation. E.g. Computers took a long time to 'take off' because many organisations had difficulty in adapting but, once using computers became 'the way we do things' in enough key organisations (and college/ university teaching and learning), it went (in today's parlance) viral! There are fewer examples of ways of doing things at the organisational level producing new physical 'widgets' but it is worth looking at military/space exploration history for examples here.
Technology transfer is defined as a broad set of processes covering the flows of know-how, experience, and equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate change amongst different stakeholders such as governments, private sector entities, financial institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and research/education institutions...”
Organizational and Managerial transfer is a systematic series of actions directed by managers to meet a particular goal without the need to involve technological transfer
Prenons l'exemple des conditions de travail (usine, bureau) : les choix techniques (matériel ; procédures) nes eront pas les mêmes si ce sont les actionnaires ou les salariés qui font ces choix.