
I am struggling to find industrial scale process, which follows the scheme mentioned in my question. Just one of tasks for my assignment, in which I am doing dynamical and steady-state calculations of catalytic pellet.

A, B and C are not necessarily singular reactants, I am mainly interested in a catalytic multistep reaction with first step being reversible and second step that is preferably, but not necessarily irreversible. As for now I am operating on arbitrarily chosen, although physically feasible values for kinetic and thermodynamic parameters, but it would be great to have some real-world comparison.

Ideally, first elementary reaction A->B should take place on 1st catalyst, while B->C on the 2nd catalyst, as my assignment ultimately deals with multifunctional catalytic pellets and reactors. Desired product(s) is C or whatever hides behind C.

If anybody would give me a notice about such (or similiar multistep processes), I would be very grateful.



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