This is not a difficult problem to solve. I would proceed this way, I assume c, C and f(x,y) are are given and that c is a constant. I would use the finite difference method for simplicity. As I read x is in [0,H] and I take y in [0,1] for simplicity. I discretise the domain [0,H]x[0,1] as x_1,x_2,....,x_n and y_1,y_2,...y_m. The sought solution u(x,y) is the unknown vector [u(x_1,y_1),u(x1,y2),.... u(x_1,y_m),(x_2,y_1),(x_2,y_2),...,(x_2,y_m),..........,(x_n,y_1),(x_n,y_2),.....,(x_n,y_m)]^T. Now I use a second order scheme and write the equation. At the end one ends up with a trigiadonal matrix. Impose the boundary condition and eliminate a column/row of aforementioned matrix. Now solve the linear system using one of the linear solvers such as an LU decomposition. I hope this helps.