As it possible to publish a paper which have moderating variable but no moderating effect? And what can be the possible reason for no moderation any body guide me please?
If I got it well, you performed a research to examine the effect of a moderating variable and did not find any moderating effect. As I see it it, it may be difficult to publish such a paper, at least in a relativeley prestigious Journal. As you did not provide us with the details of your research it is not an easy task to povide you with some advice.
Conceptual and methodological problems may explain why you had a moderating variable in your research and did not find any moderating effect. It may be the case that your moderating variable is not that moderating variable you imagine. Ths would be a conceptual problem. It may also have been the case that you assessed the moderating effect of the moderating variable at hand through in an non accurate procedure. This is a methodological issue.