We are going to purchase an EEG system (hardware & software). Please share if you have experiences or information about the advantage or disadvantage of the EEG systems that you are using. Do you have special suggestion?
I have no experience witth EEG system. Recently, we purchased a small system, X-10 of Advanced Brain Monitoring. The initial experience have been very easy. ABM has a software with a cognitive state metric (e.g., mental workload) that is important to my research.
For EEG/ERP analyses, I highly recommend Neuroscan. I've worked with that one for 10 years with no problem at all. Synchronization of stimuli with recording is guaranteed and the aqcuire and edit software are quite friendly. If you don´t want to buy the edit software, you can analyze everything with the matlab- based Fieldtrip toolbox, which opens Neuroscan files easily.
You may have a look at my past DSc thesis which is now in Hal archives-ouvertes in ResearchGate at http://hal.upmc.fr/tel-01170957/file/These.pdf and you will find some cautions about EEG spectral analysis which may interest you.
One of the best system is EGI founded in 1992 in Oregon and used in 500 laboratories in the world http://www.egi.com/company
I just noticed the date of this question, but just in case you are still looking for recommendations, I have experience with BioSemi and Neuroscan. I like them both, so it boils down (for me) to lay out and support. I thought BioSemi had better support from in terms of IT and resources available. When actually collecting the data, the layout of screen was visually appealing and you could manipulate how you saw the data come in. Neuroscan (with SynAmps), I think, is more user-friendly. For example, getting impedance where you want it to be is a pro for Neuroscan. With this; however, cap set up has been longer (for me) using Neuroscan. Which may or may not be a bad thing for you. The other negative is that it seems like some features are apparently not being supported by Neuroscan anymore; however, I do not know the specific details about this.
Hope I provided at least a little insight! Good luck with everything!