We are engaged in a public health project in Seattle, WA. We are evaluating patients' experiences of care. I was wondering if anyone had used the Beryl Institute to enhance patient experience...and/or whether other tools exist internationally.
Hi Suzanne. I used to be the CEO of the Picker Institute Europe. I recommend 3 major organisations in the States to work with on QI - the Beryl Institute, Planetree and the Institute of Healthcare Improvement. They each do slightly different things and have different offers. I suggest you look at their websites and assess which can help you best on the journey you want to go on. It is also worth looking at the Picker Institute Europe's website although It is not able to work in the States due to the IP legacy issues surrounding the winding up of PII in the States. Beryl Institute has some excellent educational programmes and conferences, Planetree offers designation programmes and IHI a variety of products including Always Events. All are good - I have worked with all 3.
I have a small grant from the Beryl Institute to assess patient and family processes and structures within our statewide family medicine network. The processes and structures were defined by our national qualitative work with the American Academy of Pediatrics. I have found the Beryl Institute journal to be helpful, but have not used any tools developed by the organization. I agree that the three organizations listed above are good starting points - and if you are working with a specific clinical profession (e.g. pediatrics, nursing, etc.), you may want to look at specific professional societies websites as well for resources.
Dear Suzanne. In my opinion, Beryl is a good partner for your project. Regarding tools to be used, in Spain we are using IEXPAC survey (inspired by McColl Institute´s ACIC) http://www.researchgate.net/publication/307554784_Development_and_Validation_of_an_Instrument_for_Assessing_Patient_Experience_of_Chronic_Illness_Care
Moreover, in April we organized an event on "Patient experience and participation". At this link, you can find presentations from the Chief Patient Experience Officer of the NHS in England and representatives from Picker and National Voices in UK: http://dbs.deusto.es/cs/Satellite/deusto-b-school/es/deustobschool/programas-3/formacion-ejecutiva-0/gestion-sanitaria/foro-de-transformacion-sanitaria/programa?idPest=1340073838242&idSeccion=1
Article Development and Validation of an Instrument for Assessing Pa...
Thank you for your answers and resources. We are working with the parent organization for the McColl Institute (it was Group Health, now Kaiser Permanente's research arm), and we are considering the Chronic Care Model as a meas to assess care delivery. We will assess patient experiences and integration of services concurrently.