If anyone has come across a McKinsey Organizational Health Index questionnaire, please share. Alternatively, any other questionnaires to measure OH will be helpful.
The McKinsey OHI is a comprehensive, proprietary questionnaire so I doubt you can find it publically available on the internet. Depending on your research project, you might contact the McK OHI team directly: http://solutions.mckinsey.com/index/solutions/organizational-health-index
I am unaware of any other established scales measuring OH (outside the school/education context). If you provide us with more information on your research question, we might be better able to recommend an appropriate questionnaire.
Yes that questionnaire could have been a quite interesting piece of effort to examen. It will be implemented as part of a business agreement (value NOK 86 mill. or USD 14 mill. ) between the national social public hub called NAV (Norwegian for hub) and McKinsey, introducing this method (measures and activities I assume) as the appropriate effort for helping a dysfunctional organization establishing adequate OBM.
I came across this site as I am also looking for an Organisational Health Questionnaire.
I intend writing a thesis on the relationship between personality factors and corporate health as measured by the big 5 personalty traits and I would very much like to use the OHI questionnaire.
Do you have OHI or another appropriate questionnaire?
Good and useful answers throughout almost a year but however there is still unanswered part of the question........Is there any similar organization health indicator like OHI and provided by another company NOT Mckinsey???
Eagerly waiting for any advice.......I need it not for research but for practical application!