geographical data such as height of aquifer, and GIS shape layer are necessary. also you need the hydraulic conductivity coefficient, the time series data of precipitation and evapotranspiration, and pizometers data in aquifer.
For a correct management of a groundwater reservoir it is required to consider by the model build in addition to the previously mentioned input data all significant subsystems which have an importance in the exploitation of groundwater reservoir.
Such subsystems can be e.g. ground water extraction/infiltration systems (e.g. wells, wells with laterals, drainage object of different forms, artificial groundwater enriching systems etc).
MODFLOW or the newer MODFLOW-F are especially suited to modelling large groundwater tanks (ie on a regional scale).
At this regional scale can be modelled with MODFLOW also ground water extraction/infiltration systems mentioned above, but only as global effect using characteristic global parameters of these systems such as e.g. global water discharge.
Close to these systems, however, it is necessary to know the flow at a local scale, in which the type of construction and their dimensions (such as shape, diameter, arrangement, etc.) are of particular importance for proper management of the underground reservoir. Applying MODFLOW must involves a special analysis of the possibilities of introducing this data into the model. Otherwise, there may be significant errors in the local area that may influence the results as well as their interpretation.
Numerical tests shown that standard coarse grid reservoir modelling software for groundwater modelling (e.g. MODFLOW) don’t be applied for solving wellbore problems, without local corrections in well blocks.
Attached I attach some of my earlier works in which you can track the importance of these local issues.
Geographical Information , Weather (precipitation, temperatures and humidity) , groundwater Static Level for the observation wells , Wells Discharge , geological information for the aquifer, pumping test parameters and the most important parameter is the Boundary Conditions.