I first conducted a fixed effect model using xtreg y x, fe and I found that all the variables are significant and R-squared is .51.

So I thought that maybe I should use two step system GMM to account for endogeneity. But, since I only have 3 years, when i include the lagged variable as a predictor using xtabond2 y l.y x y*, gmm ( l.y) iv (x y*), equation (level)) nodiffsargan twostep robust orthogonal small, the number of observations per group shrinks to two and I can't even run an AR(1) test or Sargan test. And Also the output shows insignificant lagged variable.

I am still new to dynamic panel data models. Do I need GMM in such small sample size and small number of observations? Should i use something else? If i only report fixed effects results would that be sufficient to be considered for publication?

I would love to hear your recommendation. Thank you very much,

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