I am trying to build an idea in fog computing to be my research topic. I want to combine the concepts of SDN, NFV and containers in offloading, scheduling and resource management.
Fog computing (FC) is already a broad and very important field of research. In particular, the concepts SDN, NFV, (Docker) Container Networking and AI (Artificial Intelligence) have enormous significance. In the FC area, there are several interesting research topics. I would like to mention only the following topics here:
Software-Defined Fog Computing (SDFC),
Container-based Virtualization of Fog Nodes.
Fog Computing Containerization,
Orchestration of Microservices in Fog Nodes
Microservices-enabled Fog Applications
For the information about it I recommend:
Shubha Brata Nath, Harshit Gupta, Sandip Chakraborty, Soumya K Ghosh: „A Survey of Fog Computing and Communication: Current Researches and Future Directions“; Apr: 2018; arXiv:1804.04365v1
to secure the communication in the IoT, the DTLS (a type: TLS over UDP) can be used. A short, well illustrated illustration (in German) can be found at the following address:
At the end, I added a list of literature sources to the presentation of ideas for using DTLS in the IoT. For the security support of real-time IoT applications, the DTLS is not the "best" protocol.
For the security support of real-time applications in the IoT - and when using CoAP - the MIKEY protocol (Multimedia Internet KEYing, RFC 3830) can be used relatively simply to "generate" a symmetric key. MIKEY was developed for VoIP Security - especially for real-time applications.
Using CoAP, it is very easy to set up a secure MIKEY-based session with pre-shared key (symmetric cryptosystem) and to agree a symmetric key according to the Diffie-Hellman method.
Between two endpoints only two MIKEY messages need to be exchanged: the Initiator sends I_Message and the Responder responds with R_Message. These messages can be sent as follows:
I-message from the initiator in CoAP Req GET and R_Message from the responder in CoAP Rsp 2.01
Ajit A.Chavan, Mininath K. Nighot: „Secure CoAP Using Enhanced DTLS for Internet of Things“; International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 2(12), Dec. 2014; 10.15680/ijircce.2014.0212069
Shahid Raza, Hossein Shafagh, Kasun Hewage, René Hummen, Thiemo Voigt: „Lithe: Lightweight Secure CoAP for the Internet of Things“; IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 13(10), Oct. 2013; DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2013.2277656
Oscar Garcia-Morchon, Sye-Loong Keoh, Sandeep S. Kumar, Pedro Moreno-Sanchez, Francisco Vidal-Meca, Jan Henrik Ziegeldorf: „Securing the IP-based Internet of Things with HIP and DTLS“; WiSec '13 Proceedings of the sixth ACM conference on Security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks, April 2013; DOI: 10.1145/2462096.2462117
FirasAlbalas, Omar Almomani, Majd Al-Soud, Ammar Almomani: „Secure and Energy-effictive CoAP Application Layer Protocol for the Internet of Things“; ACIT’2017: The International Arab Conference on Information Technology; Dec. 2017