I would suggest three books for different reasons:
1. NJ Spykman: The geography of the peace. Regarding its position on the Arctic Cirlce they are now obsolete due to the secere changes in the area. Nevertheless, I strongly recommend this book because you can observe how Spykman collected crucial geological - geoclimatical and geographical data to shape the US foreign police for no less than 5-6 decades.
2. Tim Marshall: Prisoners of geography. Just to amplify the role of geography in shaping foreign AND domestic policy. The author focuses on the domestic data influenced by geography (such as demography) and their role in shaping foreign policy.
3. Ahmet Davutoglu: Strategic Depth. It is a controversial study of a Turkish academician who became prime minister of Turkey almost a decade ago. His book suggests how to apply politics based on various elements that - according to the author) source from geography and history.