A magazine I read asked readers if they'd consider a brain implant that improves mental function. Here's my answer. Do you think my ideas are feasible?

Not until they can implant it without surgery. BITS - the binary digits of 1 and 0 - are the basis of AIs (Artificial Intelligences). Why can't the subatomic particles composing everything in the universe each be constructed from trillions of BITS? The electrical wavelengths could be made sufficiently tiny by using overtones (wavelengths that complete many cycles for each cycle in a familiar pulse).

If the implant and the brain are digital, the chip could merely be downloaded and installed. Programmed correctly, that chip could add or delete anything and everything we choose by emulating computers’ copy/paste function to add things; as well as their delete function, to remove things (these feats make me wonder if people really can walk on water and perform other miracles).

We'll also be able to transfer the brain's contents into a clone, another body, or an android - infinite times if necessary - and thus say hello to immortality. When quantum mechanics and General Relativity are united into quantum gravity or the Theory of Everything, we'll have access to everything in space and time.

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