I would like to know is it possible to assigne charge on atom in gaussian? I during calculations it is possible to assign total molecule charge. If you idea please share.
If you don't: the molecule is neutral (I suggest this one)
Should I join Cl by dotted line?
Actually, it doesn't matter, since you are going to optimize. However, I suggest to put chloride at 1.75 A near N (ammonium)
Tip: Don't worry for GaussView (or other visualizer) bond drawing. The real bond analysis is made by inspecting molecular orbitals, bond orders, etc.
However, you should put atom-atom distances appropriately, (e.g., C-C at 1.5 A, which is default in QM visualizers)
Should I just join 5 bond with N atom?
See previous reply, the code will optimize it!
I would like to know is it possible to assigne charge on atom in gaussian?
Yes, but you are not interested in such type of calculations. Just run the optimization and the charges in atoms will be automatically calculated (population analysis).