We are observing frequent earthquakes in the world for the last one and half decade. Exact root cause is yet to be known. Earlier, I was suspecting whether fluctuating distance between moon and earth may be affecting gravitational pull causing fatigue failure of earth surface at many places resulting in earthquakes (I asked this question on Research Gate a few years back after Nepal earthquake). Now, based on the observations during the last one year, I am suspecting sloshing of ocean water as an effect of global warming as one of the major factors (after the Turkey earthquake). My hypothesis is as follow:

  • A few observations: There was hot weather in northern world causing wild fire for the first time. Low pressure buildup in the southern world caused frequent cyclonic storm and lightening injury to people. Frequent earthquakes in Pakistan, Afghanistan and now in Turkey.
  • Likely Impact of global warming: It might have resulted in sloshing of ocean water. This in turn exerted a compressive stress on the northern world land and compressed the atmospheric pressure. Increase in atmospheric pressure caused increase in ambient temperature. As a result, in the northern world, hot summer (wild fire) lasted long and high precipitation caused heavy rain and flood. Compressive stress in land mass caused massive earthquake in Pakistan, Afghanistan and now in turkey. A slight vacuum effect was created in the southern world due to sloshing effect of ocean water. This created cyclone and drought in southern areas. Due to increase in atmospheric pressure, northern world people might have faced increase in blood pressure and heart attacks. Southern world people might have suffered dehydration and low blood pressure and felt thirsty.
  • Unlikely Event may confirm further(Pray to God not to happen): If above is true, then aftershock effect of disasters in northern world may be observed in the southern world within a few months (may be one or two). There may be major earthquakes in Australia, South America and some parts of south India and Malaysia. Also, heavy rain and flood in India. The southern world people, who may be feeling thirsty now may face high blood pressure and heart attack.
  • Future Dangers: Entire world atmospheric pressure will be subjected to high oscillation. This may cause clouds movements up and down and cyclonic storms. Highly charged clouds may flow towards earth and lightening strikes may increase causing much more destruction and casualties. Controlling blood pressure fluctuations will be a real challenge.

    Challenge with us: How to calm down the ocean?

    Point of Discussion: We are making all efforts to arrest global warming. Please comment on my above hypothesis whether I am near to the fact? If yes, then how can we scientists contribute to mitigate the adverse effect of this natural calamity?

    With best regards,

    Sohail Ahmad Khan

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