I am trying to export data generated from several runs from chemstation to excel. From the research I have done this seems to be a pretty common problem.

I realize I could use Chemstation's Batch function , however, all my samples are unknowns so the report is useless. Realizing Chemstation can run Macros I cam across a couple of macros but they are outdated and do not work (below is a sample of the macro). When I use the macro below the output results in one column and about 10,000 rows of sequential gibberish

I called Agilent and they were no help. The tech I talked to said he would look into it but told me not to hold my breath.

If anyone has any other suggestions please let me know. I think the only way to get around it is to create a custom macro

I am using a Agilent HPLC-ELSD 1200series

chemstation (Rev: B.04.02)


Name csvfile

Local cols,runtime,signal,i,j

for j=1 to RegSize(Chromreg)

cols=DataCols (Chromreg[j])

Open "C:\temp\Signal"+Val$(j)+".csv" For Output as #5

Print "Saving C:\temp\Signal"+Val$(j)+".csv"

For i=1 To cols

runtime=Data (Chromreg[j],0,i)

signal=Data (Chromreg[j],1,i)


Next i


next j

Print "Finished"



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