03 March 2019 3 615 Report

Dear Research Colleagues,

Based in Nepal, we are working with the National Reconstruction Authority - mandated to provide them with TA for their improved oversight of the reconstruction process from the Earthquakes of 2015.

Part of our remit is also to look - sustainably - at what happens after this authority has 'handed over' responsibility for naturally-triggered disasters within the Nepali Government structures.

To this end, it is envisaged to have an international study tour to a country that has 'recovered' from an earthquake, and has some best practices to share. These, together with other learning that takes place on the tour, are intended then to be short-listed on the return of key Nepali government officials, trialled and monitored, with the potential for institutionalising at national, provincial and local levels (since recently Nepal governance structures became federalised)...

Do you have any ideas of good example countries that we could take these Government Officers for some relevant learning experiences?

Their main focus is on post-disaster reconstruction management, financial and institutional arrangements...

Mention has been made of Japan, New Zealand etc. as well as other countries in the South Asia region...?

Very interested in any ideas you may have; with advance appreciation.

Dr. Adi Walker

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