Event driven programming seems to an exciting topic to explore and play with. My question is that is this field worth exploring and then going on to become a good coder in it especially using Python like Twisted Matrix, RPyC ?
Worth? It depends on your requirements and objectives. Note that sometimes it is very ponderous to describe a sequential behavior using event-driven approach. This is caused by the call-back nature of this concept. Nevertheless, there exist many network-oriented frameworks that support asynchronous nonblocking processing. You can find e.g. Circuits, low-level GEvent based on popular libevent C/C++ library or high-level and complex Tornado or Twisted. A nice comparison with examples can be found here:
Worth? It depends on your requirements and objectives. Note that sometimes it is very ponderous to describe a sequential behavior using event-driven approach. This is caused by the call-back nature of this concept. Nevertheless, there exist many network-oriented frameworks that support asynchronous nonblocking processing. You can find e.g. Circuits, low-level GEvent based on popular libevent C/C++ library or high-level and complex Tornado or Twisted. A nice comparison with examples can be found here: