I understood your question in two manners ! that's why I will respond for both types of interpretations from my own point of view :
First , the crop selection in the concept of organic agriculture means the most competitive crop who will survive among others , will grow and dessiminate and will be the most productive and resistant to climatic conditions , abiotic and biotic diseases : This is will be more probably for the most vigorous species , the species presenting mutualistic microbium like the fungi ( AMF) , the rhizobium the case of Fabacea , and the species resistent to certain climatic conditions and most of it the plants acclimatized and adapted to these conditions ( example the Opuntia ficus indica is adapted to semi-arid and arid species and it is resistant to drout ,beaten , soils because it is a xerophytic CAM plant or the Olive trees is resistent to calcarous soils ....) and in function of type of the soil you have to choose the plants that will be a perfect fit for your soil composition ( content in N-P-K and in micro-elements ) . and you have to choose the optimum combination in case of intercropping for example with the olive trees you can plant Fabacea since it enrich soil in nitroge nand in order to reduce the biotic and abiotic stress you have to optimize your cultural practices namely : prunning , desinfecting the tools , aeration ......)
The second type of interpretation the selection : that means the type of plant that you should select : The selection depends of the soil's type , the climatic conditions , and the aimed productivity , the histroy of the parcel and the neiner parcels ( the kind of pests attacking and the plants ) , the water irrigation content , and the common pests in the region