I need my ESP8266 to be an access point and command multiplexer to more devices. I need at 5 to 7 devices - 4 to 6 slaves and one master that sends them commands by TCP/IP and receives responses. I can't broadcast UDP, and commands must be sent to all nodes in less than 250ms.
The issue is that by default ESP8266 doesn't allow more than 4 connections. There are a compile-time variable max_connections set to 4. Some say that this limit can be set to 8, but ESP8266 won't support more sockets than 5. I'm here to ask: is there any way to surpass that limit? I have three possibilities on how to do that:
I could do with a very small embedded router and an ESP8266 to control it - but can't find any such part either.
3. There is also one solution that I really don't want to do, but have considered it - stacking ESP's - I can do that, but this will be a very big hack and will make large problems with connecting devices to this monstrosity - must make more than one wifi network, will have to keep track how many devices are connected to each network etc.
Could you please tell me if #1 is possible? If not, any recommendations on #2?