If you want to stand on your feet to find published research (monographs, papers,...) by yourself, I think the search technics I have talked about in other related discussions can help you, two of them are here:
A point related to your question is, that you first go to google books, search that database with "valuable keywords" upon finding related books, copy paste the titles of those that you think are useful for your information needs into google scholar, then by retrieving them in GS, look "how many times" they have been "cited by others", the more citations, the more value (as a general criteria) repeat this for any book that you find one by one. Also in Google books you have some Boolean operators and search fields that can help you find more related items. in many cases full texts of the books and also the content pages of those books are available (not all pages, but some) and again you can narrow more your search to books that meet your information needs...