09 September 2019 4 9K Report

I have been using the 'GDAL Fill Nodata' function in QGIS in order to rectify downloaded Landsat 7 images, having created a relevant mask. Whilst said function has been successful in resolving bands 1 - 7 and satellite zenith, solar azimuth and solar zenith images, errors occur in regards to the satellite azimuth data. I have run the exact same function on each band [image].

The issue appears to relate to specific pixels in the data, but I cannot find a solution.

I do not have access to ENVI or ARCGIS. Does anyone know of a solution in R, Python or QGIS??

Please see attached files.

b1 = band 1 original image

b1_cor = band 1 following correction using Fill nodata function [QGIS]

sat_azi = sensor azimuth original image

sat_azi_cor = error image

test = mask

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